Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bad weather. Postponed races

So, bad weather is passing through the area. The race director for the Half and 10k postponed today's event until tomorrow. I definitely understand and appreciate their concern for our safety.

The last couple weeks have been fairly light on the mileage. I've had to fight some foot pain across the top of my foot from the big toe to the ankle. I've mostly stayed off of it this week. The pain is gone and I hope to be able to have a good race tomorrow. Monday is back to training for the 15k in Pensacola.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's been a rather uneventful week on the running scene for me. I was able to get in a couple runs during the week despite the COLD weather we had early in the week. Now, it looks like I may get to deal with potential wet runs over the next few days.

I officially registered for several races, Auburn Classic 10k, Pensacola Double Bridge Run 15k, Joe Cain Classic 5k and Publix Georgia Half Marathon. There are a couple more big races which I want to register. These will have to wait for a few weeks as we have Mardi Gras in 6 weeks. The Joe Cain Classic will be the day after a ball we are attending. It should be an interesting 5k as I haven't run a race with a hangover before.

Happy running! And to those running tomorrow's full or relay, Good Luck!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New year. New goals.

I've been running since late 2009/early 2010, albeit rather sporadically. In this time, I've been able to run 4 Half Marathons ('10 & '11 Wine & Dine, '11 WDW Half, and '11 Callaway Gardens). Training was very inconsistent for most of these for various reasons, flu, work, life.

Because of the inconsistency, I have decided to try and create another form of accountability via this blog. I'll post updates during the week from my runs and random recaps from various life happenings. I'll probably even throw in some old race recaps and pictures along the way.

In addition to local races, I am looking at the following for bigger races:

Publix Georgia Half Marathon (March 18)
Gulf Coast Half Marathon @ Pensacola Beach (April 15)
Disneyland Half Marathon (September 2)
WDW Tower of Terror 10 Miler (September 29)
WDW Wine & Dine Half (November 10)
2013 Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge (January 12-13, 2003)